英语作文关于生活方式 英语作文让我们的城市更好
2024-11-19 14:02:52

  How do you spend your off hours? Do you watch television? Do you surf the web? Read articles here at Lifehack.org? There are many ways you can spend your leisure time. But is it really possible to get more out of your time off? Not just making this time more productive, but actually making it more enjoyable.

  Breaking the Work/Play Distinction

  I believe the answer goes against what many of us have been taught about how to spend our free time. From early childhood we’ve been taught to pide everything to do into two groups, work and leisure. Work consists of all the things we need to do and leisure is everything else.

  Splitting the world this way isn’t necessarily wrong. But the subtle message contained in this split is that work and leisure shouldn’t resemble each other. Your work needs to be productive, efficient and challenging. Therefore leisure should be relaxing, accomplish nothing and be free of pressures.

  Why This Kills Your Free Time

  The problem is this assumption, that work should be the opposite of leisure, ruins your free time. The belief that the most enjoyable moments of life are spent relaxing in the fruits of our labor doesn’t match the real world. Research has shown that the most enjoyable moments of our life are the ones where we are most engaged.

  Psychology researcher Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi recorded this phenomenon. He did this through a device that pinged at random points in time. The subject then filled out a form based on their feelings, thoughts and current activity. What he found was people have more enjoyable experiences from work than from their time off. He mentions this paradox in his book, Flow:

  “Thus we have the paradoxical situation: On the job people feel skillful and challenged, and therefore feel more happy, strong, creative and satisfied. In their free time people feel that there is generally not much to do and their skills are not being used, and therefore tend to feel more sad, weak dull and dissatisfied. Yet they would like to work less and spend more time in leisure.” [emphasis mine]

  I believe the dissatisfaction for work stems from the external need to work. Since we cannot exercise freedom in choosing to show up every morning, it is easy to begrudge the time there. Even if it produces positive experiences in our lives.

  The Answer Isn’t Becoming a Workaholic

  I don’t believe the resolution of this problem, is to work all the time. I think that would only exacerbate a situation where people feel trapped by oppressive work schedules. Even if jobs can produce,challenging flow experiences, putting all your eggs into one basket can be risky.

  Instead, Fill Your Spare Time With Active Leisure

  Active leisure is free activities you choose that challenge and fulfill you. But because you take up these tasks through internal desires, not external constraints, you won’t feel trapped by them.

  Many people have found ways to incorporate active leisure into their lives. Taking up hobbies, sports and learning new skills even when time is limited. But as the standard forty hour workweek gets pushed longer and passive entertainment becomes easier to consume, it is harder to take up active leisure.

  Leisure is Hard Work

  Upgrading your leisure time to make it more enjoyable isn’t always easy. This may sound backwards, since many people believe the purpose of leisure is to be easy. But sometimes the benefits of being active in your time off aren’t immediately apparent.

  Activity requires that you invest your attention. The body was designed to be efficient, not enjoyable, so it may resist your attempts to invest energy in anything non-essential.

  How to Start the Active Leisure Habit

  There are many ways you can upgrade your leisure time, but it requires effort. Unlike watching television or relaxing, opportunities for flow need to be structured in advance. It can sometimes require planning and always requires an initial push of momentum to get started.

  I suggest an experiment. Try replacing some low-energy task with a more engaging one. Continue it for a month. After that month, if you don’t feel the new task is more satisfying than your old usage of time, quit. This is about enjoyment, not productivity, so you don’t need to feel guilty if you decide to switch back later.

  Suggestions for Active Leisure

  Here are a couple ideas to get the ball rolling:

  1. Join Toastmasters -At toastmasters.org you can find clubs near your location. There are thousands of them and they are a great experience. I’ve known many people who tell me Toastmasters is the highlight of their week.

  2. Start a Craft -Try learning a new hobby or restarting an old one. Painting, woodworking, sculpting, programming or blogging are all great starts. Buy a tutorial book to get you started and learn from there.

  3. Play Sports -Find a physical activity that will get you to move and provides a challenging environment. Not only will this keep you healthy, but it will put your mind into a state of flow more easily than sitting on the couch.

  4. Learn a New Language -Challenge yourself to learn a new language. This has always been a goal of mine. I’ve heard from many sources that it can be both challenging an enjoyable to gain fluency in a non-native tongue.

  5. Play a Game -Computer games and interactive entertainment can be great ways to produce flow. Although you can get addicted to the enjoyable environment, structuring a small amount of time to play games can engage you mind to have fun.

  6. Start a Project -One of my personal favorites is to get a new project going. Starting a project to complete something over the course of a couple months can be exciting and incredibly rewarding. Go start that novel you’ve been thinking about.







  心理学研究员Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi对此现象做了记录。他通过能及时在任意点发出呯的声响的装置做了这个记录。实验对象根据自己的感觉、想法和当前活动填写一张表格。他发现,人们从工作中获得的快乐感受比在休闲时得到的更多。他在自己的书《心流》中提到了这个悖论:
















  1. 参加讲演会-在toastmasters.org 网站能找到离你所在地最近的俱乐部。俱乐部有很多,那是很棒的体验。我认识许多人,他们告诉我,参加演讲会是他们一周内最重要的事情。

  2. 开始一门手艺-试着培养新的业余爱好,或重新捡起老手艺。绘画,做木工,雕刻,编程和写博客都是很好的开始。买一本指南书,指导你开始学习。

  3. 进行体育锻炼-选择一项体育运动,能让你活动起来,给你提供具挑战性的环境。这不仅能保持你的身体健康,而且能让你的思维处于比坐在沙发上更敏捷的活动状态。

  4. 学习一门新的语言-激励自己学习一门外语。这一直是我自己的目标。我从很多方面了解到这样能激发快乐,也能使说外语的舌头更灵活。

  5. 玩个游戏-电脑游戏和互动娱乐活动可能是激发心流的最好方法。尽管你可能沉迷于快乐的娱乐活动,但是安排一点时间玩玩游戏能吸引你的注意力,让你开心。

  6. 启动一项计划-我个人最喜欢做的是运作一项新的计划。启动一项计划,在几个月时间内一步步完成计划能令人感到兴奋,而且能获得意想不到的回报。开始写你一直想写的小说吧。



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